
A database for your taste

MICA UXD Master’s Program Case Study


8 weeks, Spring 2023


Mind Map, Research, User Personas, User Flows, Low- and High-Fidelity Prototypes, User Testing, Design System


Figma, Zoom (for user testing),

About the Project

Problem Statement

The difficulty of discovering music that matches their mood or taste is a common problem faced by music streaming app users. Although the apps offer numerous curated playlists, the algorithms do not adequately and efficiently assess user preferences due to their reliance on the like/dislike/skip functionalities. This results in a situation where exploring new music becomes a frustrating and time-consuming experience.

The Solution

These troubles led me to come up with an app that suggests music based on an individual’s mood and preferences. This aforementioned app would do this by utilizing self-reporting mechanisms and surveys, as well as data on a user's music preferences and listening habits obtained from either their Spotify or Youtube Music account.

Research Insights

After perusing various academic articles, conducting a competitive analysis, surveying >30 participants, having an in-depth interview with five of these participants (who all listen to music based on their moods and tastes), and using an affinity map to discover patterns from my interviews and survey results, I ended up with some key takeaways:

  • Vibes should be a plugin that uses Spotify and Youtube Music’s API to develop playlists, as opposed to being a streaming platform in and of itself. This is because of…

    • how robust Spotify’s playlist mechanisms already are

    • how popular Spotify and Youtube are, and

    • how participants generally don’t want to change the app they use to listen to music

  • Vibes should also allow for direct user input when it comes to the user’s taste and preferences

  • There should be transparency as to why Vibes recommends playlists or songs to users

The Target Audience

I narrowed down the target audience to three primary categories:

  1. picky listeners (represented by persona Kelly)

  2. people who listen to music based on their mood or activity (represented by persona Barry)

  3. people creating playlists for another person, with the intent that the music in this playlist caters to that other person’s taste (repressented by persona Alexis)

Using these categories, I determined three primary use cases and then turned these use cases into user personas to help guide the design process and to promote empathy for the users.

By using journey maps, storyboards, and a prioritization matrix to analyze each persona’s use case, I was able to determine which essential features belong to which persona.

Lo-Fi Prototypes

After creating the user flows (in order to ensure that I would be designing the correct screens for the each flow), I then went ahead and made low-fidelity prototypes of each use case of the three use cases. Images of these low-fidelity flows can be seen below.

Testing + Refinement

Upon completing the low-fidelity prototypes, I sought to validate the design by conducting usability tests. on it. Each of these five participants listen to music based on their mood and/or their tasks - as target users, their feedback would be more incisive.

I tested out the following flows:

  • Completing the introductory quiz

  • Exporting a playlist onto Spotify

  • Providing live feedback of a song from a playlist

  • Reviewing the playlist on Vibes after listening to it

  • Creating a playlist

  • Connecting with another user and gaining access to their tastes via the “Inner Circle” function (the “inner circle” is a group of a user’s close friends with access to their music tastes)



  • This banner that leads participants to the Introductory Quiz and Playlist Review pages from the home page looks too much like an ad.

  • As a result, most participants ignored it at first.


  • As one of their tasks, participants had to rate a specific song using the Playlist Review.

  • However, because the first page of the Playlist Review consisted of information pertaining to the playlist as a whole, participants weren’t aware that, unless they went to the next pages, they couldn’t rate individual songs.


  • Participants found the Introductory Quiz and Playlist Review flows too long and boring.

  • One suggestion was to introduce the user to a few initial questions of the quiz/survey, and then provide the option to answer more questions later if so desired.

One positive observation is that many participants were impressed by the granularity of questions pertaining to why the user likes/dislikes a song in a playlist. Many of them stated that they had “never seen functionality like this before”.

Design System

All illustrations (besides the logo)s came from

Final Designs


Connecting + Onboarding

Live Feedback

Introductory Quiz

Playlist Review


Playlist Creation

Playlist Review

Live Feedback


Request Entry into Inner Circle

Playlist Creation




Reflections + Next Steps

Major challenge: creating and updating components and their states.

  • It was challenging to change images within components without detaching them or altering the main component.

  • To simplify the process, I converted all 180 images into individual components. This made swapping images much easier and avoiding the need to modify detached instances of components.

Learned how to effectively use

  • In the future, I will need to remind myself to include a functioning “back” button for the testable prototype.

  • Otherwise, participants won’t be able to revisit pages and provide further feedback.

Keep in mind length of time required to make wireframes

  • I underestimated the amount of effort required to make lo-fi wireframes.

  • This meant that I was completing multiple phases of the design process at once.


Some more things I would like to do includes allowing users to…

  • search for playlists made by other users

  • access playlist drafts

  • delete Smart Tips

  • regenerate playlists (just as how ChatGPT regenerates responses if users want it to)

  • select multiple moods for a playlist

  • include a minimum/maximum length for playlists

And these will, of course, all be accompanied by usability tests so that I can ensure that the right decisions are being made.

Ideally, upon release, Vibes would enter into partnership with music streaming apps like Spotify and Youtube Music. Not only would using Vibes enhance and personalize the user’s overall listening experience, but it would also increase user engagement with music streaming services in which Vibes is integrated, since users will likely spend more time on these apps if they can listen to playlists that caters to their music tastes effectively.

In this way, partnership with Vibes would increase the value of the streaming apps; and in turn, there will be an increase in Vibes’ own revenue.

Let’s make great things together.

See something that catches your eye? Want to discuss a project you have in mind?

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