Finding locations that are nearby to a specific listing

Harper Wortham

Harper is a single mom who is paralyzed from waist-down. She is very no-nonsense and is dedicated to organizing and planning out her day. This is why being able to see how far different locations are from a specific listing is important to her; she wants to know how long errands will take.

“As a homeowner-to-be, I want to know where a specific property is located in relation to other specific locations, so I can plan ahead when going on errands.”




Filtering for listings with accessible schools nearby

Gary Rothman

Gary isn’t a disabled person himself, but his daughter is.  What he wants to do is make sure that there is a school nearby that has accessible programs for disabled children, so that his daughter can thrive in this new environment.

“As a guardian of a disabled person, I want to know if there is a school system near the listing that is accommodating for disabled people so the person in my care will be able to access the resources required to support their academic advancement”




Going through the onboarding experience

Tracey Ray

Tracey was disabled from surgery and deals with chronic pain. They currently live with their partner and essentially relies on them With this upcoming move, Tracey hopes to be able to find a place where they can be independent and not have to rely too heavily on their partner.

“As a disabled person, I want to know how exactly the property is accessible and what particular accommodations they have so that I can be sure that this property is accessible for me.”